Mazzie Brossmann
JoinedTopics Started by Mazzie Brossmann
Trinity, Trinity, Trinity...
by Mazzie Brossmann incan anyone tell me if there are names for the different variations in trinitarian belief?
or could any one point me to anything explaining what different chritians subscribe to in thier belief of the trinity?
i have googled my fingers off trying to find out, but all i come up with is the "oneness" doctrine of the penticostals.
Son of God vs.God
by Mazzie Brossmann indoes anyone know how many religons believe jesus was the son of god rather than god in human form?
those of you who are still christians, do any of you now believe jesus is god?.
Scofield bible
by Mazzie Brossmann inany opinions on the scofield bible?
is it a good translation?
i was going to buy one at a used book store but mainly for the large print..